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BizOwner Prep

This six month program guides you through all the personal  groundwork necessary to prepare you for business ownership. 


Pricing Options:

  • 6 Monthly Payments of $149

  • $850 Pay-in-Full Save $44

What's included?

1 / Personal Finance Assessment

We examine your personal finances to determine if you're in a good place to start a business and identify changes that would be ideal for facilitating business ownership.

2 / Make a Finance Plan

After deciding how your personal finances could change to be more hospitable to business ownership, we create a customized plan for increasing personal savings and/or decreasing debt.

3 / Industry Compatibility Testing

At this stage we discuss personal factors, business factors, and lifestyle preferences to determine your compatibility with the industry you're interested in and/or find an industry that would be an ideal fit for your personality.

4 / Business Planning

We discuss your potential business to more clearly identify the idea, everything that it requires (projects, supplies, materials), the potential costs, how to fund the business, identify if there is a need or want for the business, identify the competition, determine competitive pricing, identify your competitive edge, and more.

5/ Business Savings and Funding

Once your business idea is flushed out in the business planning stage, it is time to develop and execute a funding plan. The risk of failure in a business is substantially increased when you have a lender requiring the immediate profitability of the company. Therefore we focus our funding efforts primary on personal savings, grants, and private funding efforts.

6/ Accountability

We've found that by providing accountability to our clients, they are far more successful in their venture and less stressed throughout the development process. We do this by making an actionable list of items that need done in between appointments. This allows for clarity and productivity during your 6 month course.

7/ 10 Appointments Over 6 Months


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Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

Farrah Gray

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